Download Psiphon App for Free for Desktop & Laptop

These links follow a webpage, where you will find links to official sources of Psiphon App. If you are a Windows PC user, then just click the button below and go to the page with official get links. Please note that this app may ask for additional in-app or other purchases and permissions when installed.
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Psiphon App for Mac

The MacOS version of Psiphon has a user-friendly interface that lets you navigate seamlessly, offering functionality across all Mac devices. This includes desktop computers like iMac and portable solutions such as MacBook. Even the latest models leveraging the ARM M1 chip are Psiphon on Mac compatible.

Core Features

  • Advanced security protection: The application conceals your online activity, making it difficult for third parties to monitor your Internet browsing.
  • Unrestricted access: It enables you to bypass and access geo-restricted sites and censored information.
  • Automatic updates: The software updates are conveniently automated so you won't miss any critical updates.

Unique Features

  • Easy-to-use: No technical knowledge is needed to operate Psiphon on Mac OS.
  • Virtually available everywhere: Its extensive server networks cover major regions globally to provide a consistent experience.
  • Open source: The software is open source encouraging a community to work towards making Psiphon better.

Installing Psiphon on MacOS

Once you've decided to install Psiphon on Mac, you'll realize that the process is a breeze. The following steps will guide you through it.

Download Process

Before you begin the installation, your first step will be to Psiphon for Mac download, ensuring you have the latest version suitable for your device from a secure platform. The higher the version, the more features you unlock and use.

Step Action
1 Choose the download location for the Psiphon setup file and click to download.
2 Navigate to the download location and click on the 'Psiphon' setup file.

Installation Steps

Step Action
3 A pop-up window will appear - click 'Open' to start the install process.
4 Follow the installation prompts by clicking 'Next' until you reach the 'Install' option.
5 Click 'Install', then 'Finish' once the installation is complete.

Launching Psiphon on MacOS

Now that you've successfully completed the Psiphon download for Mac, launching the application is your final step.

Launch Steps

Step Activity
1 On MacOS, navigate to the Applications folder.
2 Click on the Psiphon icon to launch the application.
3 If prompted, agree to the terms and conditions to commence using the application.

Congratulations on your successful setup! Whether you're using an iMac or you decided to download Psiphon for MacBook, you can start enjoying unrestricted internet browsing on your MacOS devices.

Download Psiphon App for Free for Desktop & Laptop

These links follow a webpage, where you will find links to official sources of Psiphon App. If you are a Windows PC user, then just click the button below and go to the page with official get links. Please note that this app may ask for additional in-app or other purchases and permissions when installed.
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